Monday, April 20, 2009

My Birthday

I had such a wonderful birthday. Not only did I have so many warm wishes from friends and family, but I got to spend the whole day with the person I love more than anything in the world. It doesn't really matter that 2 days before my birthday I woke up to this......or that all night before my birthday I had the flu and was throwing up...or that all day on my birthday I couldn't really stand up without fainting ( you know how it goes) so I spent all day cooped up in my apartment. But it was soooo the best birthday I have ever had. Know why??Yes that is right. Anthony made my birthday so special. He took such good care of sick me. And he did it all while looking FIIIIINNNEE! Hands off ladies he is mine.

Not only does being sick on your b-day get your hot husband to do whatever you want, but it gets you these...One last amazing thing about being sick on your get to celebrate it again the next day! or whenever you feel better!


DeeAura said...

Hahah. AND with live lobsters other times...I'm just saying. Also, I have a picture. You know it.

KaRynn Sheranian said...

Aw Jess! I'm so sorry you were sick on your birthday! But I'm so glad that it was an awesome day because you have such a sweet husband! I miss you already! Can we do something this summer plllleaaaaase? How did you do on Dromey's test?

Teri said...

Hey Jessica, I found your blog off of Marybeth's. Good to see you and your hubby are doing well! I saw your mom at Kohls over Xmas... she is still cute as always! Take care,

Alison said...

I'm glad your birthday was carried off even if you were sick! Anthony is so sweet to you!

Jenna said...

I was so sad that you were sick on the day...but was glad to hear that you have a wonderful time with Anthony!!!

Jenna said...

PS: I miss you!!!!!