Sunday, March 2, 2008

New Hair

On Friday I decided to get highlights and bangs. Anthony was a little concerned at first when I showed up with this new hairstyle, ( I did it without telling anyone) but he has come around and he likes it now(or so he says).


JoshandMegs said...

i love it! bangs are wonderful! i first got them in france and i've been addicted ever since! it looks great girl!

Ashley said...

I am glad you had the guts to take a chance because it looks great! I am too chicken. You kind of look like that Sara Bareilles singer. (I know I killed her name)

SKH said...

I love the hair, you look soooo chic, but you are so cute that I think could probably pull off bald beautifully. We need to have ya'll over again for dinner. Let me know when is best for you and we plan it. I am so exited to steal some of you running tunes, I need a chang-a-roo.